
I'm Sam.

a programmer.

cloud mountain-img

catLittle More About Me...

Bachelor's Degrees senior student Software Engineering student. Passionate about Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning and open source. Also, have some experience in Artificial Intelligence with YOLO, OpenCV, Computer Vision and Data Analysis. Currently learning new technologies to implement on real world projects. Love to contribute to open-source💕.

My Skills


Software Development

I started learning to code because I wanted to make my own AI Robot. Over time, I have gained a wealth of experience developing python and frameworks.


Hot Wings Challenge

But my best skill is actually in eating hot wings. I am the undisputed king of hot wing challenges. Ghost Peppers and Carolina Reapers are my favourite snacks.

Get In Touch

If you love hot wings as much as I do.

Love hot wings as much as I do? Let's talk about how awesome they are! We can code while we eat hot wings!

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